Altar Servers - Add reverence and beauty to Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Training provided for 4th grade and up.
Altar Linen Care - Preparing the sacred linens used for Mass. Linens are washed and ironed at home.
Sacristans - Assist the priest in preparing the sacred items for Mass. Arrive 20 minutes prior to Sunday or weekday Masses. After Mass the sacristan puts away items in good order to be ready for the next use.
Solanus Ministry - Taking their name from Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey, who served as a doorkeeper for many years at his monastery, Solanus Ministers serve at the weekend Masses by greeting the faithful as they enter the church and assist in taking up the collection during Mass.
Art and Environment - The team decorates the church for the great celebrations of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost as well as important feast days. They also care for the plants and flowers that decorate the sanctuary throughout the year
God’s Housekeepers - Teams of two that replace votive candles, refill the Holy Water fonts and tidy pews each week.
Wedding Coordinators - Welcome and assist couples with rehearsal and the wedding ceremony. This is a great ministry for married couples to do together.
Funeral Prayer Leader - Willing to help a family in their time of grief by leading a rosary or scripture service at the funeral home the evening before the funeral.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion - Bring the Eucharist to the residence of the sick or homebound every other week. Training and commissioning provided.